Program Learning Methodology

All the 4 modules mentioned above are to be learned in eLearning mode in MKCL’s Authorized Learning Centers (ALCs) on an internet-ready multimedia computer with specified configuration with a connected headphone.
All the modules will be offered in verifiable evidence-generating, self-learning, self-paced learning, self-path sequential learning and interactive learning so as to ensure systematic coverage of entire syllabus of not only ‘Do What’ but also ‘Do How’ by each candidate. In each session this personalized learning is sequentially followed by automated and Artificial Intelligence (AI) proctored continuous comprehensive evidence-based assessment through each candidate’s personalized login in a MKCL’s state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS). All the eContent in the LMS is in high-definition multimedia form with rich voice-over. It is based on based on sound pedagogy of Learning by Doing for attaining skill mastery with competence and confidence.
The candidate learning and administrative life-cycle management processes built into LMS ensure that all candidates will have to devote full 120 hours to complete a Module. The modules are divided in to one-hour session, each session shall comprise of fixed-path learning and self-path learning along with assessments followed by remedial inputs. The fixed-path learning may have 40% weightage in the total marks allocated for each session and remaining 60% weightage to the self-path learning.
For successful completion of each Module, candidate has to secure minimum 10 marks (out of 25) in internal assessment under Learning Progression Section, minimum 10 marks (out of 25) in weekly supervised continuous comprehensive personalized online assessment under Internal Assessment Section, and minimum 20 marks (out of 50) in Final Online Examination. Candidates may acquire variable skills depending upon their previous skill base. As such, it will be “fixed-time variable-skills” paradigm to offer mass-personalization to the candidates and make AMRUT-KALASH more effective.