Dr. Venkat M. Mayande
Former Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola
Dr. Mayande born on July 05, 1950, received B.Sc. (Agri.), B.Tech (Agril.Engg) from PDKV, Akola, M.Tech (Agril Engg) from GB Pant Univ. of Agril & Technology, Pantnagar and Ph.D (Agril. Engg) from IIT, Kharagpur.
Dr. Mayande is Currently, Chairman, Institution of Maharashtra Agriculture Technologists (IMAT), Pune, Member, Executive Committee, AFARM, Pune and Member, Task Force on Agro-processing & Value Chain, MAHAPRIET, Mumbai. He served as Asst. Agricultural Engineer, BAIF, Pune (1975-1977), Agril. Engineer, Farming Systems Research Program, ICRISAT, Hyderabad (1978-1988), Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Resource Management, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad (1988-2005), Zonal Coordinator for KVK’s, ICAR- Zone-V (Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra), Hyderabad (2006-2007), Vice Chancellor, Dr PDKV, Akola (2007-2012), Vice Chancellor (Officiating), MAFSU, Nagpur (2011).
Dr. Mayande visited ISRAEL during 1995 under world Bank project to study Micro-Irrigation systems, China during 2010 to study agro-processing and marketing system, Cornell University, New York, and Portland State University, Oregon, USA (2011) for formulation of joint program on Agriculture & Nutrition, Bulgaria (2011) to attend international conference, Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran (2012) to attend ICID Congress and Chair the Micro-irrigation session, Oman (2014) as Consultant, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Wealth for development of national policy on agriculture and fisheries sector.
Dr Mayande was the Principal Investigator of Indo-US network research project on ‘dryland agriculture’ executed in 7 states (1995-1998) and the ICAR-NATP-Mission Mode Project on ‘Mechanization of dryland agriculture’ executed in 10 states (2000-2005). He has published research articles in National and International journals and has 10+ patents for agricultural machinery designs licensed to 20+ industries for commercial production across the country. One of the patented design, BBF planter, a climate resilient technology is most popular in rainfed area across the country.
Awards: ICAR-Rafi Ahemad Kidwai Award (1996), Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, Gold Medal (2010-11), ASPEE Gold Medal (1998), ICID-WatSave award (2011), Dewang Mehta Award (2010), Best Invention Award for drill plough by AIIES, Hyderabad (1994), Best product Invention Award for low cost zero energy vegetable preservation device by Trade Trends, Guntur (2001), Best product invention award for Mango Orchard Sprayer by Trade trends, Guntur (2002). Fellow, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi (2001), Fellow, Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad (1998), Emeritus Engineer Award, Western zone by Institution of Engineers (India), (2009), Emeritus Engineer Award (National) by Institution of Engineers (India), (2011), Awarded Honorary Rank of Colonel Commandant by 11 Maharashtra NCC Btln., New Delhi (2009).
Honours: President, Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers, New Delhi (2012-15), Chairman, Research Advisory Committee, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering Bhopal (2018-20), Chairman, QRT, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (2012), Member, High Level (Vijay Kelkar) Committee on Regional Balance, Govt, of Maharashtra (2011-14), Member, ICAR Governing Body (2009-12), Member, Board of Management, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (2010-13), Member, Institute Management Committee, Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur (2010-13), Member, Executive Council, Indian Agricultural University Association, New Delhi (2010-12), Member, Governing Board, Engineering Council of India, New Delhi (2012-15), Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Tea Research Association, Kolkatta (2013-15), Member Secretary, Research Advisory Committee, CRIDA, Hyderabad (2001-04), Member Secretary, QRT, CRIDA, Hyderabad (2006), Member Secretary, Institute Management Committee, CRIDA, Hyderabad (2002-05), Vice President, Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad (2001-2004), Member (Honorary), AFARM, Pune (2014 onwards). Member, Editorial Board, Agrotech magazine, Mumbai (2011-2022), Member, Editorial Board, Gramgaurav magazine, Pune (2020-22), Member, Academic Council, MPKV, Rahuri (2018-2021), Member, Research Planning Committee, Dr BSKKV, Dapoli (2018-2022), Patron, Agricultural Implement Manufacturers Association (AIMA), Maharashtra (2018 onwards).
Special Interests: Agriculture and Rural Development